Our Process

At Frydman Asset Management, we use a four step process to create an informed, customized strategy to fit your individual goals. We consider your needs and financial information to tailor the plan for your specific situation. I know that personal and financial circumstances are constantly changing. Our process is ongoing, we will guide you and make changes to your strategies as needed.


Step 1: Consultation       Step 2: Analysis  
The first step is getting to know you on a personal level, your financial situation, your needs and your goals for the future.        I will then take the information you provided and conduct a thorough internal analysis of your current financial situation.  
Step 3: Solutions       Step 4: Monitor & Review  
I understand that each person and each business is unique, and therefore faces distinct challenges. Your customized financial strategy will address the challenges that are most important to the success of your financial future.       Our relationship doesn't end with the implementation of your financial strategy. I will meet with you regularly to monitor your evolving needs and goals and will recommend changes as appropriate. I pride myself on this commitment, and look forward to strengthening our relationship over time.